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Restricted accessGil-Casas_etal_2021_GraefesArchClinExpOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpgJan-2021Ocular fixation and macular integrity by microperimetry in multiple sclerosisGil-Casas, Amparo; Piñero, David P.; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa
Open accessMartinez‐Plaza_etal_2024_OphthalmicPhysiolOpt.pdf.jpg19-Jan-2024Orthokeratology effect on the corneoscleral profile: Beyond the bull's eyeMartínez-Plaza, Elena; López-de la Rosa, Alberto; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Restricted accessPinero_etal_2024_SeminOphthalm_final.pdf.jpg1-Mar-2024Pilot Study Assessing the Safety and Acceptance of a Novel Virtual Reality System to Improve Visual FunctionPiñero, David P.; Leal-Vega, Luis; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Open access2019_Coco-Martin_etal_IntJOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Nov-2019Potential of video games for the promotion of neuroadaptation to multifocal intraocular lenses: a narrative reviewCoco-Martin, María Begoña; Valenzuela, Pedro L.; Maldonado, Miguel J., et al
Open accessCoco-Martin_etal_2020_JOphthalmology.pdf.jpg29-Jun-2020The Potential of Virtual Reality for Inducing Neuroplasticity in Children with AmblyopiaCoco-Martin, María Begoña; Piñero, David P.; Leal-Vega, Luis, et al
Open accessPinero_etal_2021_BrainSci.pdf.jpg8-Sep-2021Preliminary Evaluation of the Clinical Benefit of a Novel Visual Rehabilitation Program in Patients Implanted with Trifocal Diffractive Intraocular Lenses: A Blinded Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical TrialPiñero, David P.; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Ramón, María L., et al
Restricted accessPinero_etal_2023_ClinicExperimentOptometry_final.pdf.jpg23-May-2023Professional perspective and practice patterns of vision therapy in SpainPiñero, David P.; Bataille, Laurent; Martínez-Plaza, Elena, et al
Restricted accessPinero_etal_2024_ClinExperimOptometry_final.pdf.jpg16-Jul-2024Professional perspective of vision therapy worldwide among optometrists and ophthalmologistsPiñero, David P.; Barberán-Bernardos, Laura; Martínez-Plaza, Elena, et al
Open accessPinero_etal_2023_IntOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Jul-2023Randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the impact of a new visual rehabilitation program on neuroadaptation in patients implanted with trifocal intraocular lensesPiñero, David P.; Maldonado, Miguel J.; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Open accessBataille_etal_2021_Diagnostics.pdf.jpg18-Mar-2021Relationship between Axial Length and Corneo-Scleral Topography: A Preliminary StudyBataille, Laurent; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Piñero, David P.
Restricted accessMartinez-Plaza_etal_2024_Cornea_final.pdf.jpgMar-2024Reliability and Agreement of Keratometry Measurements Obtained With Eye Surface Profilometry and Partial Coherence InterferometryMartínez-Plaza, Elena; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Piñero, David P.
Restricted access2016_Molina-Martin_etal_CurrentEyeRes_final.pdf.jpg2016Reliability and Intersession Agreement of Microperimetric and Fixation Measurements Obtained with a New Microperimeter in Normal EyesMolina-Martín, Ainhoa; Piñero, David P.; Pérez Cambrodí, Rafael J.
Restricted accessMolina-Martín_etal_2020_IntOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpgNov-2020Repeatability of non-invasive break-up time measures with a new automated dry eye platform in healthy eyesMolina-Martín, Ainhoa; Fez Saiz, Dolores de; Piñero, David P.
Open accessMartinez-Plaza_etal_2024_JClinMed.pdf.jpg19-Jan-2024Safety, Efficacy, and Visual Performance of an Orthokeratology Lens with Increased Compression FactorMartínez-Plaza, Elena; Zamora Castro, Cecilia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Open accessHernandez-Rodriguez_etal_2020_JClinMed.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2020Stimuli Characteristics and Psychophysical Requirements for Visual Training in Amblyopia: A Narrative ReviewHernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier; Piñero, David P.; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Restricted accessSanchez-Garcia_etal_2020_ContactLensAnteriorEye_final.pdf.jpg10-Oct-2020Structural changes associated to orthokeratology: A systematic reviewSánchez-García, Alicia; Ariza-Gracia, Miguel Á.; Büchler, Phillippe, et al
Open accessLeal-Vega_etal_2022_BMCOphthalmol.pdf.jpg7-Jun-2022Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the NEIVATECH virtual reality system to improve visual function in children with anisometropic amblyopiaLeal-Vega, Luis; Piñero, David P.; Hernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier, et al
Restricted access2020_Palomino-Bautista_etal_IntOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpg3-Oct-2019Subjective and objective depth of field measures in pseudophakic eyes: comparison between extended depth of focus, trifocal and bifocal intraocular lensesPalomino-Bautista, Carlos; Sánchez-Jean, Rubén; Carmona-González, David, et al
Restricted access2019_Pinero_etal_GraefesArchClinExpOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpgNov-2019Validation of corneal topographic and aberrometric measurements obtained by color light-emitting diode reflection topography in healthy eyesPiñero, David P.; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Camps, Vicente J., et al
Open accessCoco-Martin_etal_2023_IntJOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Jan-2023Visual perception alterations in COVID-19: a preliminary studyCoco-Martin, María Begoña; Leal-Vega, Luis; Alcoceba-Herrero, Irene, et al