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Restricted accessMartinez-Falco_etal_2023_JManagDevelop_final.pdf.jpg12-May-2023The scientific knowledge structure of happiness management in the business sphere: an exploratory bibliometric reviewMartínez-Falcó, Javier; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Sánchez-García, Eduardo, et al
Open accessSanchez-Garcia_etal_2023_RegionStud_final.pdf.jpg25-Sep-2023Social capital, cooperation and innovation in the energy sector clustersSánchez-García, Eduardo; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Seva-Larrosa, Pedro, et al
Open accessMartinez-Falco_etal_2024_BritFoodJ_accepted.pdf.jpg18-Jul-2024Social media influencer marketing and economic performance in the Spanish wine industry: unravelling the role of corporate social legitimacyMartínez-Falcó, Javier; Sánchez-García, Eduardo; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé, et al
Restricted access2018_Claver-Cortes_etal_JKnowlManag_final.pdf.jpg2018Strategic knowledge management in subsidiaries and MNC performance. The role of the relational contextClaver-Cortés, Enrique; Zaragoza Sáez, Patrocinio del Carmen; Úbeda-García, Mercedes, et al
Restricted access2014_Ubeda_etal_IJHM_final.pdf.jpgSep-2014Strategy, training and performance fitÚbeda-García, Mercedes; Claver-Cortés, Enrique; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé, et al
Open accessSeva-Larrosa_etal_2023_EconRes.pdf.jpg9-Mar-2023Students´ perception of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the benefits for companies derived from their implementationSeva-Larrosa, Pedro; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Úbeda-García, Mercedes, et al
Restricted accessClaver-Cortes_etal_2020_BusinessEthics_final.pdf.jpgOct-2020Students’ perception of CSR and its influence on business performance. A multiple mediation analysisClaver-Cortés, Enrique; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Úbeda-García, Mercedes, et al
Open accessMontalvo-Falcon_etal_2023_Agronomy.pdf.jpg16-Mar-2023Sustainability Research in the Wine Industry: A Bibliometric ApproachMontalvo-Falcón, Johnny Vicente; Sánchez-García, Eduardo; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé, et al
Open accessMartinez-Falco_etal_2023_Sustainability.pdf.jpg13-Mar-2023Sustainable Development Goals in the Business Sphere: A Bibliometric ReviewMartínez-Falcó, Javier; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Sánchez-García, Eduardo, et al
Restricted accessMartinez-Falco_etal_2024_IntJBusinessEnvironment_final.pdf.jpg5-Apr-2024Sustainable intellectual capital as a roadmap to sustainability: a systematic literature reviewMartínez-Falcó, Javier; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Zaragoza Sáez, Patrocinio del Carmen, et al
Open access2014_Marco_etal_TourismEconomics.pdf.jpgAug-2014Territory impact on the performance of Spanish vacation hotelsMarco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Úbeda-García, Mercedes; Sabater Sempere, Vicente, et al
Open accessTomacco-Limited-and-the-elements-for-success-and-failure.pdf.jpg16-Apr-2024Tomacco Limited and the elements for success and failureMillan-Tudela, Luis A.; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Sánchez-García, Eduardo, et al
Restricted access2017_Marco-Lajara_etal_TourMan_final.pdf.jpgAug-2017Tourist districts and internationalization of hotel firmsMarco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Zaragoza Sáez, Patrocinio del Carmen; Claver-Cortés, Enrique, et al
Open accessUbeda-Garcia_etal_2020_JBusinessRes_final.pdf.jpgMay-2020Toward a dynamic construction of organizational ambidexterity: Exploring the synergies between structural differentiation, organizational context, and interorganizational relationsÚbeda-García, Mercedes; Claver-Cortés, Enrique; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé, et al
Restricted access2016_Ubeda_etal_CornellHospitalityQuarterly_final.pdf.jpg2016Toward Organizational Ambidexterity in the Hotel Industry: The Role of Human ResourcesÚbeda-García, Mercedes; Claver-Cortés, Enrique; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé, et al
Restricted access2013_Ubeda_etal_IJHRM_final.pdf.jpg2013Training policy and organisational performance in the Spanish hotel industryÚbeda-García, Mercedes; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Sabater Sempere, Vicente, et al
Open access2016_Claver_etal_Contemporary-Economics.pdf.jpg30-Sep-2016Types of agglomeration economies: effects on business innovationClaver-Cortés, Enrique; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Manresa-Marhuenda, Encarnación
Open accessRuiz-Fernandez_etal_2024_CurrIssTour_final.pdf.jpg7-Apr-2023The U-shaped relationship between intellectual capital and hotel performance. The moderating effect of managerial genderRuiz-Fernández, Lorena; Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Seva-Larrosa, Pedro
Open accessXIII_Jornadas_Redes_09.pdf.jpg2015Un estudio de la literatura de Facebook en el ámbito académicoGonzález-Ramírez, Reyes; Gascó, José L.; Claver-Cortés, Enrique, et al
Open accessGeographos-v14-n2-161.pdf.jpg9-Nov-2023Una aproximación a las capacidades dinámicas a partir de los estudios métricos de la informaciónMarco-Lajara, Bartolomé; Sarmiento-Chugcho, Carlos Bolívar; Martínez-Falcó, Javier, et al