Browsing by Author Marcilla, Antonio

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Showing results 121 to 140 of 153 < previous   next >
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Open access2017_Marcilla_etal_FluidPhaseEquilibria_final.pdf.jpg15-Feb-2017Should we trust all the published LLE correlation parameters in phase equilibria? Necessity of their assessment prior to publicationMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar
Open access2016_Marcilla_etal_FluidPhaseEq_final.pdf.jpg25-Oct-2016Simultaneous VLLE data correlation for ternary systems: Modification of the NRTL equation for improved calculationsMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Labarta, Juan A.
Restricted access2013_Li_etal_JCED_final.pdf.jpg10-May-2013Solubility, Density, Refractive Index, and Viscosity for the Polyhydric Alcohol + CsBr + H2O Ternary Systems at Different TemperaturesLi, Yanjie; Li, Shu’ni; Zhai, Quanguo, et al
Open accessbiopol2007.pdf.jpg2007Study of the properties of polypropylene-PHB blendsGarcía Quesada, Juan Carlos; Marcilla, Antonio; Barreiro Ortiz, Patricia, et al
Open accessLondono-Larrea_etal_2022_ApplSci.pdf.jpg16-Sep-2022Study of Cocoa Pod Husks Thermal DecompositionLondoño-Larrea, Pablo; Villamarin-Barriga, Estefania; García, Angela N., et al
Open accessAsensio_etal_2022_ApplSci.pdf.jpg20-Sep-2022Study of the Decomposition of N-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) under Inert and Oxidative Atmospheres: Effect of the Addition of SBA-15 and MCM-41Asensio, Javier; Beltrán, Maribel; Juárez-Serrano, Nerea, et al
Open accessposter_FCCgases.pdf.jpg7-Nov-2008Study of the decomposition of Vacuum Gas Oils-Low Density Polyethylene blends: evolution of the gasesMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Berenguer Muñoz, Deseada
Open accessposter_FCCliquidos.pdf.jpg7-Nov-2008Study of the decomposition of Vacuum Gas Oils-Low Density Polyethylene blends: evolution of the liquidsMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Berenguer Muñoz, Deseada
Open accessPorter etapa inicial.pdf.jpgMay-2006Study of the early deactivation in the catalytic pyrolysis of polymersMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Berenguer Muñoz, Deseada
Open accessPoster expoquimia floculacion (2008).pdf.jpg7-Nov-2008Study of the efficiency of different flocculants for effective microalgae harvestingValdés Barceló, Francisco Javier; Hernández Férez, María del Remedio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Restricted accessJAAP2007-79.pdf.jpgMay-2007Study of the polymer-catalyst contact effectivity and the heating rate influence on the HDPE pyrolysisMarcilla, Antonio; Hernández Férez, María del Remedio; García, Angela N.
Open accessSupplementary_Material_AnalysisConnectingZone_McCabeGeneralizedFeeds_LAAR2014_44_4_307.pdf.jpg25-Feb-2016Supplementary Material: Analysis of the Connecting Zone Between Consecutive Sections in Distillation Columns Covering Multiple Feeds, Products and Heat Transfer StagesLabarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Marcilla, Antonio
Restricted access2015_Sanchez-Navarro_etal_Micro&Nanosystems_final.pdf.jpg2015Synthesis and Characterisation of Aminoplast Microcapsules for Controlled Release of Bioactives. Influence of the Resin:Oil RatioSánchez Navarro, M. Magdalena; Arán-Aís, Francisca; Marcilla, Antonio, et al
Restricted access2019_Calabuig_etal_ThermochimActa_final.pdf.jpgJan-2019TG-FTIR study of evolved gas in the decomposition of different types of tobacco. Effect of the addition of SBA-15Calabuig, Emilio; Juárez-Serrano, Nerea; Marcilla, Antonio
Restricted access2017_Marcilla_etal_ThermActa_final.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2017TGA/FTIR study of the behavior of sodium and potassium citrates in the decomposition of 3R4F tobacco. N2 and air atmospheresMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Beltrán, Maribel, et al
Open accessMarcilla_Berenguer_2023_MaterSciEngB.pdf.jpg30-May-2023TGA/FTIR study of the decomposition of Heet tobacco in presence of zeolites and silicate compoundsMarcilla, Antonio; Berenguer Muñoz, Deseada
Open access2014_Gomez-Siurana_etal_ThermActa.pdf.jpg26-Apr-2014TGA/FTIR study of the MCM-41-catalytic pyrolysis of tobacco and tobacco–glycerol mixturesGómez-Siurana, Amparo; Marcilla, Antonio; Beltrán, Maribel, et al
Restricted access2015_Marcilla_JAAP_final.pdf.jpgMar-2015TGA/FTIR study of the pyrolysis of diammonium hydrogen phosphate–tobacco mixturesMarcilla, Antonio; Beltrán, Maribel; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Restricted access2013_Gomez-Siurana_etal_TA_final.pdf.jpg10-Dec-2013TGA/FTIR study of tobacco and glycerol–tobacco mixturesGómez-Siurana, Amparo; Marcilla, Antonio; Beltrán, Maribel, et al
Open access2018_Marcilla_etal_JSciFoodAgric_final.pdf.jpgDec-2018TGA‐FTIR study of the pyrolysis of sodium citrate and its effect on the pyrolysis of tobacco and tobacco/SBA‐15 mixtures under N2 and air atmospheresMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Beltrán, Maribel, et al