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Open access48TOTHERJ_GEmodels_LimitationsProposals.pdf.jpg30-Aug-2011GE models and algorithms for condensed phase equilibrium data regression in ternary systems: limitations and proposalsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessart_3D_LLV_2001_RUA.pdf.jpg6-Jun-2001Geometrical aspects of the azeotropic liquid-liquid-vapour phase equilibriaLabarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Restricted access2014_Marcilla_etal_ECE_final.pdf.jpgJan-2014Geometrical study of the three-dimensional temperature–composition diagrams. An important aid to understand the behavior of the liquid–vapour equilibrium in ternary systemsMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores
Restricted accessCorrelation_LLLE_Type3_JAReyesLabarta.pdf.jpgApr-2009Gibbs energy based procedure for the correlation of type 3 ternary systems including a three-liquid phase regionMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessPoster_Gibbs_III_Expoquimia2008.pdf.jpgOct-2008Gibbs energy based procedure for the correlation of type 3 ternary systems including a three-liquid phases (LLLE) regionMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessPoster_GM_Topological_Analysis_ESAT_2014.pdf.jpg17-Nov-2014Gibbs Energy of Mixing Function: Topological Analysis in Azeotropic SystemsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar
Open accessThermodynamic_Introduction_GM_Topology_RUA.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2015GMcal_TieLinesLL: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Topological Analysis of Calculated GM Surfaces and Curves, including Tie-Lines, Hessian Matrix, Spinodal Curve, Plait Point Location, etc. for Binary and Ternary Liquid -Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) DataLabarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessInstructions_GM_TOPOLOGY_VLE_RUA.pdf.jpg7-Apr-2022GMcal_TieLinesVL: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Topological Analysis of Experimental and Calculated GM Functions for Binary and Ternary (Isobaric or Isothermal) Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE or VLLE) Data (including Tie-Lines, Derivatives, Distillation Boundaries, LL Critical Points Location, etc.)Labarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessE_C21_jareyes.pdf.jpgJun-1999Graphical analysis of the phase equilibria diagramLabarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Open accessGraphical_representations_particular_cases_PonchonSavarit.pdf.jpg7-Nov-2014Graphical Representation of the Changes of Sector for Particular Cases in the Ponchon Savarit MethodLabarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessPoster_GUIs_EQ_CIDIQ24.pdf.jpg23-Sep-2024Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Helping the Thermodynamic Analysis of Phase Equilibrium Data Correlation ResultsLabarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Marcilla, Antonio, et al
Open access2019_Leon_etal_WasteManag_final.pdf.jpgNov-2019Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of animal by-products: Influence of operating conditionsLeón, Milagros; Marcilla, Antonio; García, Angela N.
Restricted accessHZSM5 and HUSY deactivation.pdf.jpg28-Dec-2004HZSM5 and HUSY deactivation during the catalytic pyrolysis of polyethyleneMarcilla, Antonio; Beltrán, Maribel; Hernández, F., et al
Open accessPoster_Test_consistencia.pdf.jpg17-Nov-2014Improving some thermodynamic consistency tests for VLE data evaluationMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Labarta, Juan A.
Restricted access2013_Beltran_etal_ApplClaySci_final.pdf.jpgOct-2013The influence of surfactant loading level in a montmorillonite on the thermal, mechanical and rheological properties of EVA nanocompositesBeltrán, Maribel; Benavente Domenech, Verónica; Marchante Rodríguez, Verónica, et al
Restricted accessinfluene.pdf.jpg1998Influence of the type of resin in the gelation and fusion processes of PVC plastisolsGarcía Quesada, Juan Carlos; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessMarcilla_Gomis_Cálculo_por_etapas.pdf.jpg1998Introducción a las operaciones de separación: cálculo por etapas de equilibrioMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; García, Angela N., et al
Open accessMarcilla_Gomis_Contacto_continuo.pdf.jpg1999Introducción a las operaciones de separación: contacto continuoMarcilla, Antonio; García, Angela N.; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Open access2015_Catala_Marcilla_Sci-Afric.pdf.jpgNov-2015Kinetic Model for Micro Algae Cell Concentration and Size Distribution: Application to Nannochloropsis gaditanaCatalá Esteve, Lucía; Marcilla, Antonio
Restricted access2016_Banon_etal_WasMan_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2016Kinetic model of the thermal pyrolysis of chrome tanned leather treated with NaOH under different conditions using thermogravimetric analysisBañón, Elena; Marcilla, Antonio; García, Angela N., et al