Browsing by Author Marcilla, Antonio

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Showing results 34 to 53 of 153 < previous   next >
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Open access2019_Marcilla_etal_IndEngChemRes_final.pdf.jpg19-Nov-2019Economic and Environmental Analysis of the Hydrothermal Liquefaction Process of Animal ByproductsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; León, Milagros, et al
Open accessCalabuig_Marcilla_2021_ThermochimActa.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2021Effect of a mesoporous catalyst on the flash pyrolysis of tobaccoCalabuig, Emilio; Marcilla, Antonio
EmbargoedCalabuig_etal_2025_MicroporMesoporMater_final.pdf.jpg10-Jan-2025Effect of a mesoporous catalyst on total particulate matter generated during cigarette smokingCalabuig, Emilio; Beltrán, Maribel; Marcilla, Antonio, et al
Open accessMunoz_etal_2024_IndustrialCropsProducts.pdf.jpg16-Feb-2024Effect of alkaline catalysts on the valorization of sugarcane bagasse via pyrolysisMuñoz, Morayma; Rosero, Marco; García, Angela N., et al
Open access2015_Marcilla_etal_AJChE.pdf.jpg6-Mar-2015Effect of Mesoporous Catalysts on the Mainstream Tobacco Smoke of 3R4F and 1R5F Reference CigarettesMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Berenguer Muñoz, Deseada, et al
Open accessJuarez-Serrano_etal_2021_Catalysts.pdf.jpg30-Jun-2021Effect of Reaction Time and Hydrothermal Treatment Time on the Textural Properties of SBA-15 Synthesized Using Sodium Silicate as a Silica Source and Its Efficiency for Reducing Tobacco Smoke ToxicityJuárez-Serrano, Nerea; Berenguer, Desiré; Martínez Castellanos, Isabel, et al
Open access2020_Juarez-Serrano_etal_Catalysts.pdf.jpg1-Mar-2020The Effect of Temperature and Time of the Hydrothermal Treatment in the SBA-15 Synthesis Process on the Structure and Textural Properties and the Ability to Reduce the Evolution of Tars in Tobacco SmokingJuárez-Serrano, Nerea; Asensio, Javier; Martínez Castellanos, Isabel, et al
Restricted accessCalabuig_Marcilla_2021_JThermAnalCalorim_final.pdf.jpgMay-2021The effect of the addition of SBA-15 to the slow pyrolysis of tobacco studied by heart-cutting GC/MCCalabuig, Emilio; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessMarcilla_etal_2022_JAnalApplPyrolysis.pdf.jpg22-Apr-2022Effect of the addition of zeolites and silicate compounds on the composition of the smoke generated in the decomposition of Heet tobacco under inert and oxidative atmospheresMarcilla, Antonio; Berenguer, Desiré; Martínez Castellanos, Isabel
Open access2015_Marcilla_etal_Sci-Afric.pdf.jpgJan-2015Effect of the Amount of Tobacco per Cigarette on Smoke Composition when Smoking 3R4F Reference Tobacco and a Commercial Tobacco Brand with and without a CatalystMarcilla, Antonio; Beltrán, Maribel; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Restricted access2015_Marcilla_etal_I&ECRes_final.pdf.jpg2015Effect of the Concentration of Siliceous Materials Added to Tobacco Cigarettes on the Composition of the Smoke Generated during SmokingMarcilla, Antonio; Beltrán, Maribel; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo, et al
Open accessAsensio_etal_2023_MicroporMesoporMater.pdf.jpg29-Mar-2023Effect of the presence of mesoporous catalysts in the decomposition of 4-(Methylnitrosoamine)-1-(3-Pyrydyl)-1-Butanone under inert and oxidative atmosphereAsensio, Javier; Beltrán, Maribel; Marcilla, Antonio, et al
Open accessJuarez-Serrano_etal_2021_Catalysts.pdf.jpg12-Mar-2021Effect of Time, Temperature and Stirring Rate Used in the First Step of the Synthesis of SBA-15 on Its Application as Reductor of Tars in Tobacco SmokeJuárez-Serrano, Nerea; Asensio, Javier; Blasco, Inmaculada, et al
Restricted access2018_Marcilla_etal_JChemEngData_final.pdf.jpg10-May-2018Ensuring That Correlation Parameters for Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium Produce the Right ResultsMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Labarta, Juan A.
Open access2019_Corchero_etal_RSCAdv.pdf.jpg23-Dec-2019Equilibria and correlation of systems involving 1-hexyl-3-methylpyridinium trifluoromethanesulfonateCorchero, Raquel; Marcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar, et al
Open accessHORA_3_y_4.pdf.jpg13-Sep-2013Equilibrio entre fases en sistemas multicomponentesMarcilla, Antonio
Restricted access2013_Marchante_etal_JAPS_final.pdf.jpg15-Nov-2013Ethylene vinyl acetate/nanoclay-based pigment composites: Morphology, rheology, and mechanical, thermal, and colorimetric propertiesMarchante Rodríguez, Verónica; Benavente Domenech, Verónica; Marcilla, Antonio, et al
Open accessRosero_etal_2024_RevTecnEnergia.pdf.jpgJul-2024Evaluación de la Capacidad de Almacenamiento de Energía del Material Lignocelulósico de CacaoRosero, Marco; Muñoz, Morayma; Ayala, Jessenia Antonia, et al
Open accessEquifase09_FT33_explicitEquationLV.pdf.jpg17-Oct-2009Explicit equation to calculate the liquid-vapour equilibrium for ternary azeotropic and non azetropic systemsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Velasco, Raúl, et al
Open access26-Oct-2011Fundamentos de Operaciones de Separación. Problema 4Marcilla, Antonio