Browsing by Author Bányász, Istvan

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Open access5RNO_Valencia_p189_1997.pdf.jpgSep-1997Fotopolímeros aplicados a la holografíaAmat Guerri, Francisco; Beléndez, Augusto; Blaya Escarre, Salvador, et al
Open accessSPIE_v3294_p106_1998.pdf.jpg24-Mar-1998Highly nonlinear characteristics of bleached holograms recorded in Agfa 8E75HD platesBányász, Istvan; Beléndez, Augusto; Fimia Gil, Antonio
Open accessJournees_Optique_Metz_1995.pdf.jpgApr-1995Holographic reconstruction of binary microstructures: limitations due to the nonlinearity of the recording materialBányász, Istvan; Beléndez, Augusto; Fimia Gil, Antonio, et al
Open accessENTROPIE_n192-193_p72_1995.pdf.jpg1995Holographic reconstruction of binary microstructures: limitations due to the nonlinearity of the recording materialBányász, Istvan; Beléndez, Augusto; Fimia Gil, Antonio, et al
Open accessBienal_Santiago_XXV_p525_1995.pdf.jpgSep-1995Límites debidos a las no linealidades del material de registro en la reconstrucción holográfica de microestructuras binariasBányász, Istvan; Beléndez, Augusto; Fimia Gil, Antonio, et al
Restricted accessJMO_v45_n5_p881_1998.pdf.jpgMay-1998Method for the characterization of hologram processingBányász, Istvan; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada, et al
Restricted accessOC_v111_n3-4_p225_1994.pdf.jpg1-Oct-1994Nonlinear recording of amplitude holograms in Agfa 8E75HD: comparison of two developersBányász, Istvan; Fimia Gil, Antonio; Beléndez, Augusto, et al
Restricted accessOC_v121_n4-6_p166_1995.pdf.jpg1-Dec-1995Nonlinear recording of amplitude holograms in Agfa 8E75HD: comparison of two developers (Optics Comm. 111 (1994) 225)Bányász, Istvan; Fimia Gil, Antonio; Beléndez, Augusto, et al
Open accessSPIE_v4149_p63_2000.pdf.jpg3-Oct-2000Semi-physical development of holograms recorded in silver halide emulsionsBányász, Istvan; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada, et al