Browsing by Author Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia

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Open accessChrist_etal_2024_Future.pdf.jpg20-Dec-2024Teacher Experiences During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America and Spain: A 20-Country StudyChrist, Bryan R.; Adams, Lucie; Ertman, Benjamin, et al
Restricted access11-Nov-2021Tech4DModelviewerRVAzorin-Lopez, Jorge; Fuster-Guilló, Andrés; Saval-Calvo, Marcelo, et al
Open accessTema1.pdf.jpg11-Jan-2008Temas de Psicopatología del comportamiento delictivoHerranz Bellido, Jesús; Díez Jorro, Miguel; Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia, et al
Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2020-21_160.pdf.jpg2021Trabajo colaborativo online a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos como estrategia en estudiantes universitariosAlbaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia; Sanchez-SanSegundo, Miriam; Rodes Lloret, Fernando, et al
Open accessInnovaciones-metodologicas-docencia-universitaria_103.pdf.jpg2016Universidad, género, docencia e igualdadRodríguez-Jaume, María-José; Moreda, Paloma; Provencio Garrigós, Herminia, et al
Open accessRumbo-Rodriguez_etal_2020_Nutrients.pdf.jpg26-Nov-2020Use of Technology-Based Interventions in the Treatment of Patients with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic ReviewRumbo-Rodríguez, Lorena; Sanchez-SanSegundo, Miriam; Ruiz-Robledillo, Nicolás, et al
Restricted access2015_Fernandez_etal_LearningEnvironRes_final.pdf.jpgJul-2015Validation of a Spanish version of the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES) in SpainFernández-Pascual, M. Dolores; Ferrer-Cascales, Rosario; Reig-Ferrer, Abilio, et al
Open accessFernandez-Alcantara_etal_2022_EurJInvestigHealthPsycholEduc.pdf.jpg23-Jul-2022Validity of the Computerized Battery for Neuropsychological Evaluation of Children (BENCI) in Spanish Children: Preliminary ResultsFernández-Alcántara, Manuel; Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia; Fernández-Ávalos, M. Inmaculada, et al
Open accessMemorias-del-programa-redes-i3ce-2016-17_38.pdf.jpg2017Valoración del profesorado sobre el uso de los documentos de rúbrica para la evaluación del TFG en el Grado de EnfermeríaGabaldón Bravo, Eva María; Sospedra, Isabel; Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia, et al
Open accessJankowiak_etal_2021_Sustainability.pdf.jpg21-Oct-2021Will I Like Myself If You Hurt Me? Experiences of Violence and Adolescents’ Self-EsteemJankowiak, Barbara; Jaskulska, Sylwia; Sanz-Barbero, Belen, et al
Open accessJaskulska_etal_2022_JHappinessStud.pdf.jpg5-Sep-2022Will You Make Me Happy? The Role of Dating and Dating Violence Victimisation in Happiness Among Adolescents in EuropeJaskulska, Sylwia; Jankowiak, Barbara; Sanz-Barbero, Belen, et al