Marcos-García, M. Ángeles, Rojo, Santos Paragus hyalopteri n. sp. an aphidophagous hoverfly (Dipt.: Syrphidae) attacking the mealy plum aphid (Hom.: Aphididae) MARCOS GARCÍA, María Ángeles; ROJO VELASCO, Santos. "Paragus hyalopteri n. sp. an aphidophagous hoverfly (Dipt.: Syrphidae) attacking the mealy plum aphid (Hom.: Aphididae)". Entomophaga. Vol. 39, No. 1 (March 1994). ISSN 0013-8959, pp. 99-106 URI: DOI: 10.1007/BF02373499 ISSN: 0013-8959 Abstract: Paragus hyalopteri Marcos-García et Rojo n. sp. is described. The new species was caught in Alicante province (SE Spain). This species is morphologically close to Paragus quadrifasciatus Meigen, 1822. It was collected on several species of fruit trees of the genus Prunus, upon the mealy plum aphid Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy, 1762). Keywords:Paragus, Plum aphid, Aphidophagous, New species, Spain Librairie Le Francois Lavoisier info:eu-repo/semantics/article