Pozo-Rico, Teresa, Gilar-Corbi, Raquel, Ostafii, Valeriu Multiculturalidad y trabajo en valores con el alumnado universitario a través del desarrollo de competencias socioemocionales Intertext. 2015, 3/4(35/36): 167-175 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/73633 DOI: ISSN: 1857-3711 Abstract: The expanding globalised workforce requires universities to train students in order to improve their job performance. Educators are looking for new ways to prepare students to join properly the professional world. In fact, the mission of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) is to contribute significantly to the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of European higher education at a high level. In order to get this aim, this study examines emotional competence as an important skill of academic and career success among university students. Emotional intelligence involves two important competencies to make career successful: (1) the ability to recognise their own feelings and other people’s feelings and emotions, as well; (2) the ability to use that information to resolve conflicts, problems, and improve interactions with other people. Therefore, the social and emotional skills should be integrated in academic curriculum because emotional well-being is considered a predictor of success in personal and professional life. A lot of educational experts believe that emotional intelligence should be promoted at the university not only as a subject, perhaps like a holistic manner. Keywords:Social and emotional skills, European higher education, Academic achievement, Career success Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova. Institutul de Cercetări Filologice şi Interculturale info:eu-repo/semantics/article