Moreno-Murcia, Juan Antonio, Silveira Torregrosa, Yolanda, Belando Pedreño, Noelia Questionnaire evaluating teaching competencies in the university environment. Evaluation of teaching competencies in the university Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research. 2015, 4(1): 54-61. doi:10.7821/naer.2015.1.106 URI: DOI: 10.7821/naer.2015.1.106 ISSN: 2254-7339 Abstract: The objective of this study was to design and validate a measuring instrument to evaluate the performance of university professors. The Evaluation of Teaching Performance (CEID [Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Docentes (Center for Teaching Studies and Research)]) questionnaire was administered to 1297 university students. Various factor analyses were performed (exploratory and confirmatory), of the internal consistency, descriptive statistics, and correlation of all of the items. The data obtained confirmed a suitable psychometric structure for the CEID scale, which was made up of three dimensions (planning, development, and result). It is therefore concluded that it is a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating the performance of a university professor. El objetivo del estudio ha sido diseñar y validar un instrumento de medida para evaluar la intervención del docente universitario. Se administró el cuestionario de Evaluación de la intervención Docente (CEID) a 1297 universitarios. Se realizaron diferentes análisis factoriales (exploratorio y confirmatorio), de la consistencia interna, estadísticos descriptivos y de correlación de todos los ítems. Los datos obtenidos confirmaron una adecuada estructura psicométrica para la escala CEID, que quedó compuesta por tres dimensiones (planificación, desarrollo y resultado). Se concluye por tanto que es un instrumento válido y fiable para evaluar la intervención del docente universitario. Keywords:Teaching evaluation, Measuring instrument, Estimation, University teaching, Teaching competence, Evaluación docente, Instrumento de medida, Estimación, Docencia universitaria, Competencia docente University of Alicante info:eu-repo/semantics/article