González-Ramírez, Reyes, Gascó, José L., Llopis, Juan Facebook and Academic Performance: A Positive Outcome Anthropologist. 2016, 23(1-2): 59-67 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/53505 DOI: ISSN: 0972-0073 Abstract: The objective sought with the present paper consists in analyzing the literature about Facebook in order to know the conclusions of the different works with regard to its influence on those results. The examination of 37 papers devoted to this thematic area allows us to know which journals publish more about the impacts that Facebook has on academic performance, which data collection methods are more often used, which topics emerge in parallel to the use of Facebook in the academic context, and which countries are more prolific in this field. The conclusions suggest that, despite the divergence of results, the overall outcome is positive when it comes to the use of Facebook in academic environments. Keywords:Cyber learning, Issues in social networks, Literature review, Paper provenance, Research methodologies Kamla-Raj info:eu-repo/semantics/article