Mojzis, Peter, PiƱero, David P. Comparing a bifocal and trifocal diffractive IOL Ophthalmology Times Europe. 2015, 11(2): 2-5 URI: DOI: ISSN: 1753-3066 Abstract: With the recent development of trifocal diffractive IOLs, to overcome the potential limitation of a lack in intermediate distance vision, studies have been published confirming the benefit of these lenses. However, until now, there has been no comparative study between the visual performance achieved with a bifocal versus a trifocal diffractive IOL. In this article, the authors reveal the details and results of their recent comparative study of the AT LISA diffractive bifocal and trifocal lenses. Keywords:Bifocal, Trifocal, Diffractive, IOL, Lenses UBM Advanstar info:eu-repo/semantics/article