Aragón Artacho, Francisco Javier, Mordukhovich, Boris S. Enhanced metric regularity and Lipschitzian properties of variational systems ARAGÓN ARTACHO, Francisco J.; MORDUKHOVICH, Boris S. "Enhanced metric regularity and Lipschitzian properties of variational systems". Journal of Global Optimization. Vol. 50, Issue 1 (May 2011). ISSN 0925-5001, pp. 145-167 URI: DOI: 10.1007/s10898-011-9698-x ISSN: 0925-5001 (Print) Abstract: This paper mainly concerns the study of a large class of variational systems governed by parametric generalized equations, which encompass variational and hemivariational inequalities, complementarity problems, first-order optimality conditions, and other optimization-related models important for optimization theory and applications. An efficient approach to these issues has been developed in our preceding work (Aragón Artacho and Mordukhovich in Nonlinear Anal 72:1149–1170, 2010) establishing qualitative and quantitative relationships between conventional metric regularity/subregularity and Lipschitzian/calmness properties in the framework of parametric generalized equations in arbitrary Banach spaces. This paper provides, on one hand, significant extensions of the major results in op.cit. to partial metric regularity and to the new hemiregularity property. On the other hand, we establish enhanced relationships between certain strong counterparts of metric regularity/hemiregularity and single-valued Lipschitzian localizations. The results obtained are new in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings. Keywords:Variational analysis and optimization, Parametric variational systems, Generalized equations, Set-valued mappings, Metric regularity, Lipschitzian properties Springer Science+Business Media, LLC info:eu-repo/semantics/article