Lorrio Alvarado, Alberto José, Ruiz Zapatero, Gonzalo The Celts in Iberia: an overview LORRIO, Alberto J.; RUIZ ZAPATERO, Gonzalo “The Celts in Iberia: an overview”. E-Keltoi. Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies. Vol. 6: The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula (1 Febr. 2005). ISSN 1540-4889, pp. 167-254 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/20403 DOI: ISSN: 1540-4889 Abstract: A general overview of the study of the Celts in the Iberian Peninsula is offered from a critical perspective. First, we present a brief history of research and the state of research on ancient written sources, linguistics, epigraphy and archaeological data. Second, we present a different hypothesis for the "Celtic" genesis in Iberia by applying a multidisciplinary approach to the topic. Finally, on the one hand an analysis of the main archaeological groups (Celtiberian, Vetton, Vaccean, the Castro Culture of the northwest, Asturian-Cantabrian and Celtic of the southwest) is presented, while on the other hand we propose a new vision of the Celts in Iberia, rethinking the meaning of "Celtic" from a European perspective. Keywords:Celts, Iberian Peninsula, Iron Age, Celtiberians, Indo-European University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Center for Celtic Studies info:eu-repo/semantics/article