García Núñez, Cristina Isabel, Baena-Morales, Salvador, Mira Verdú, Claudia, Gómez Mármol, Alberto Unlocking abilities: enhancing executive skills through play and movement in preschool physical education Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2024, 24(1), Art 21: 165-171. URI: DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2024.01021 ISSN: 2247-8051 (Print) Abstract: This research evaluated the effects of an intervention based on active play and movement on Executive Function (EF) development in preschoolers. It aimed to explore the improvements in cognitive domains such as inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, and their indirect influence on language and mathematics academic achievements. Methodology: The study involved 20 children from preschool, averaging 5 years in age. We applied specific pre and post-intervention assessments to measure EF. The data underwent descriptive analysis and Shapiro-Wilk tests to assess distribution normality, with Wilcoxon tests identifying significant differences in pre- and post-intervention results. Results: Notable gains in EF were observed following the intervention, particularly with longer intervention durations. These results align with existing literature, underscoring the importance of incorporating active and engaging learning strategies in early educational programs. Discussion: The intervention impacted both cognitive and socio-emotional learning, suggesting it may be beneficial for children with unique educational needs. However, the study faced limitations in the duration and methods of program evaluation, indicating a need for more extensive and targeted research. Conclusion: This study highlights the essential role of integrating active play into early education to nurture EF development. It emphasizes the urgent need for further studies and adjustments in curricula to improve the effectiveness and inclusiveness of such programs, marking an essential step towards evolving educational centers into dynamic learning spaces. Keywords:Executive Functions, Physical Activity, Preschool Education, Cognitive Development, Structured Intervention University of Piteşti, Romania info:eu-repo/semantics/article