Carrillo Andrada, José Antonio Digesting Gastrotecture: A constellation of associations between Architecture and Gastronomy UOU scientific journal. 2022, 4: 18-25. URI: DOI: 10.14198/UOU.2022.4.2 ISSN: 2697-1518 Abstract: This fourth issue of the UNIVERSITY of Universities Scientific Journal, titled Gastrotecture, aims to achieve a broader understanding of the intertwined relationships between architecture and gastronomy, expand the limits of both disciplines and register the emergence of new practices supported by innovative and unconventional approaches from design and technology. Gastrotecture has invited academics, researchers, designers and students to contribute with their works that broadly converge architecture and gastronomy and openly understand their borders. Keywords:Architecture, Gastronomy UNIVERSITY of Universities [UOU] info:eu-repo/semantics/article