García Alcocel, Eva María, Garcés, Pedro, Chinchón Yepes, Servando General study of alkaline hydrolysis in calcium aluminate cement mortars under a broad range of experimental conditions GARCÍA ALCOCEL, Eva María; GARCÉS TERRADILLOS, Pedro; CHINCHÓN YEPES, Servando. "General study of alkaline hydrolysis in calcium aluminate cement mortars under a broad range of experimental conditions". Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 30, Issue 11 (Nov. 2000). ISSN 0008-8846, pp. 1689-1699 URI: DOI: 10.1016/S0008-8846(00)00396-3 ISSN: 0008-8846 (Print) Abstract: In the present paper the phenomenon of alkaline hydrolysis of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) mortars has been studied. It has been reproduced from different conditions, in specimens manufactured at temperatures of 5 degreesC and 60 degreesC. Phase evolution was studied from X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra. An evaluation of the compressive and flexural strengths obtained from different curing conditions is also described. The carbonation process in the absence of alkalis can be considered beneficial when it takes place on totally converted CAC mortars. The degradation process through alkaline hydrolysis, and hence the loss of resistance characteristics, takes place only when CBC conglomerates contain hydrated CAC. Keywords:Calcium aluminate cement, Alkaline hydrolysis, X-ray diffraction, Carbonation, Mechanical properties Elsevier info:eu-repo/semantics/article