García-Chamizo, Juan Manuel, Soriano Payá, Antonio, Maciá Pérez, Francisco, Ruiz-Fernandez, Daniel Modelling of the sacral micturition centre using a deliberative intelligent agent GARCÍA CHAMIZO, Juan Manuel, et al. "Modelling of the sacral micturition centre using a deliberative intelligent agent". En: 4th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation (BSI 2002), pp. 451-454 URI: DOI: ISSN: Abstract: This article presents a model of the sacral micturition centre, which belongs to the modelling of the lower urinary tract, based on a multiagent system. Results obtained in tests generate several urodynamic curves whose behaviour is closed to the one that can be obtained from a human being, studying both healthy individuals and people with dysfunctions due to neuronal causes. Keywords:Modelling, Multiagent systems, Lower urinary tract Schattauer info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart