INV - AIA - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 221
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessAlfaro-Viquez_etal_2025_Electronics.pdf.jpg7-Feb-2025A Comprehensive Review of AI-Based Digital Twin Applications in Manufacturing: Integration Across Operator, Product, and Process DimensionsAlfaro-Viquez, David; Zamora Hernández, Mauricio Andrés; Fernández Vega, Michael Alejandro, et al
Restricted accessBenavent-Lledo_etal_2025_IntegratComputer-AidedEng_final.pdf.jpg19-Jan-2025Text-driven online action detectionBenavent-Lledó, Manuel; Mulero Pérez, David; Ortiz Pérez, David, et al
Open accessOrtiz-Perez_etal_2025_FutureInternet.pdf.jpg21-Jan-2025Optimizing IoT Video Data: Dimensionality Reduction for Efficient Deep Learning on Edge ComputingOrtiz Pérez, David; Ruiz Ponce, Pablo; Mulero Pérez, David, et al
Open accessRodriguez-Gordillo_etal_2025_FutureInternet.pdf.jpg20-Jan-2025Decentralized Identity Management for Internet of Things (IoT) Devices Using IOTA Blockchain TechnologyRamírez, Tamai; Maciá-Lillo, Antonio; Pujol, Francisco A., et al
Open accessRodriguez-Juan_etal_2025_Neurocomputing.pdf.jpg7-Dec-2024Integrating advanced vision-language models for context recognition in risks assessmentRodriguez-Juan, Javier; Ortiz Pérez, David; Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose, et al
Open accessOltra-Cucarella_etal_2024_Neurologia.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2024Adaptación y baremación de la versión española del Attention, Memory, and Frontal Abilities Screening Test (AMFAST) en población mayor de 55 añosOltra-Cucarella, Javier; Bonete López, Beatriz; Sitges-Maciá, Esther, et al
Open accessMora_etal_2024_TransactEmergTelecommunicTech.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2024Mobile Cloud Computing Paradigm: A Survey of Operational Concerns, Challenges and Open IssuesMora, Higinio; Pujol, Francisco A.; Ramírez, Tamai, et al
Open accessSaez-Perez_etal_2024_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg4-Nov-2024Optimizing AI Transformer Models for CO2 Emission Prediction in Self-Driving Vehicles with Mobile/Multi-Access Edge Computing SupportSaez-Perez, Javier; Benlloch-Caballero, Pablo; Tena-Gago, David, et al
Open accessAndrei-Duta_etal_2024_JComputDesignEng.pdf.jpg26-Oct-2024An approach to apply the Jaya optimization algorithm to the nesting of irregular patternsDuta, Eduard-Andrei; Jimeno-Morenilla, Antonio; Sanchez-Romero, Jose-Luis, et al
Open accessMartin-Manchado_etal_2024_FrontNutr.pdf.jpg9-Oct-2024Associations of nutritional status and dietary habits with the development of female infertility. A case–control studyMartín-Manchado, Laura; Moya-Yeste, Antonio Manuel; Sanchez-SanSegundo, Miriam, et al
Open accessPolo-Rodriguez_etal_2024_MultimedToolsAppl.pdf.jpg27-Aug-2024Tracking daily paths in home contexts with RSSI fingerprinting based on UWB through deep learning modelsPolo-Rodríguez, Aurora; Valera, Juan Carlos; Peral, Jesús, et al
Open accessBenavent-Lledo_etal_2024_MultimedToolsAppl.pdf.jpg27-Aug-2024Holo4Care: a MR framework for assisting in activities of daily living by context-aware action recognitionBenavent-Lledó, Manuel; Mulero Pérez, David; Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose, et al
Open accessThalhammer_etal_2024_IEEE-TR_accepted.pdf.jpg25-Jul-2024Challenges for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation in RoboticsThalhammer, Stefan; Bauer, Dominik; Hönig, Peter, et al
Open accessMartinez_etal_2024_JIntelligentFuzzySyst_revised.pdf.jpg23-Mar-2024An efficient algorithm for irregular pattern nesting based on genetic algorithm and greedy strategyMartinez-Martinez, German; Duta, Eduard-Andrei; Sanchez-Romero, Jose-Luis, et al
Open accessRamirez_etal_2024_EJIM_final.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2024Management of heterogeneous AI-based industrial environments by means of federated adaptive-robot learningRamírez, Tamai; Mora, Higinio; Pujol, Francisco A., et al
Restricted accessTome-Fernandez_etal_2024_JPublicHealth_final.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2024Understanding the relationship between quality of life, anthropometric measures and mental health in individuals with obesityTomé, Mario; Sanchez-SanSegundo, Miriam; Berbegal, Marina, et al
Open accessBedon_etal_2024_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg6-Jun-2024The Importance of Teleworking and its Implications for Industry 5.0: A Case StudyBedón, Arturo; Pujol, Francisco A.; Ramírez, Tamai, et al
Open accessTeterja_etal_2024_Sensors.pdf.jpg25-May-2024A Video Mosaicing-Based Sensing Method for Chicken Behavior Recognition on Edge Computing DevicesTeterja, Dmitrij; Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose; Azorin-Lopez, Jorge, et al
Open accessBanos_etal_2024_IntJMedInformat.pdf.jpg3-May-2024Sensing technologies and machine learning methods for emotion recognition in autism: Systematic reviewBanos, Oresti; Comas-González, Zhoe; Medina, Javier, et al
Open accessCabello-Collado_etal_2024_Sensors.pdf.jpg25-Apr-2024Automated Generation of Clinical Reports Using Sensing Technologies with Deep Learning TechniquesCabello Collado, Celia; Rodríguez Juan, Javier; Ortiz Pérez, David, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 221