INV - PCC-HOI - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 310
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessFernandez-Alcantara_etal_2025_Psicothema.pdf.jpgJan-2025Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Traumatic Grief Inventory Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+)Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel; Redondo-Armenteros, Andrea; Pérez-Marfil, María Nieves, et al
Open accessMoreno-Cruz_etal_2024_IndexEnferm.pdf.jpg2024Teoría de Situación Especifica: Soledad, Autotrascendencia y Bienestar en adultos mayores que consumen alcohol y benzodiacepinasMoreno Cruz, Mildred Astrid; Alonso Castillo, María Magdalena; Armendáriz García, Nora Angelica, et al
Open accessLozano‐Casanova_etal_2025_MaternalChildNutrit.pdf.jpg27-Jan-2025Identifying Parental Feeding Patterns in a Spanish Sample of Toddlers Using a Latent Class AnalysisLozano-Casanova, Mar; Escribano, Silvia; Sospedra, Isabel, et al
Open accessJuarez_Julia-Sanchis_2024_RevEspEnfermSaludMental.pdf.jpgDec-2024Impacto de la Agenda 2030 en los servicios de salud mental: revisión de las medidas implementadasJuárez Sañudo, Ana; Juliá-Sanchis, Rocío
Open accessSanchez-Marco_etal_2024_AnSistSanitNavar.pdf.jpg27-Dec-2024La comunicación como herramienta estratégica de la atención centrada en la personaSánchez-Marco, María; Esteve-Ríos, Antonio; Escribano, Silvia
Open accessGarcia-Sanjuan_etal_2024_FrontPublicHealth.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2024Lived experience of being a grandparent in one region of Spain: a qualitative studyGarcia-Sanjuan, Sofia; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel; Cabañero-Martínez, María José, et al
Open accessMonasor-Ortola_etal_2025_AtencionPrimaria.pdf.jpg18-Nov-2024Análisis de habilidades y percepciones sobre mHealth en el manejo de pacientes crónicos por profesionales de atención primariaMonasor Ortolá, Daniel; Mira-Solves, José Joaquín; Esteve-Ríos, Antonio
Open accessRedondo-Armenteros_etal_2024_Heliyon.pdf.jpg8-Nov-2024Grief responses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in SpainRedondo-Armenteros, Andrea; Pérez-Marfil, María Nieves; Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel, et al
Open accessVaismoradi_etal_2024_HomeHealthCareManagPract.pdf.jpg20-Oct-2024Nurse-Led Medication Management for Older People in Home Care: A Systematic Review of Evolving Nurse Responsibilities in Technology-assisted CareVaismoradi, Mojtaba; Lillo-Crespo, Manuel; Turjamaa, Riitta
Open accessVaismoradi_etal_2024_TherapeuticAdvDrugSafety.pdf.jpg16-Oct-2024An integrative systematic review of nurses’ involvement in medication deprescription in long-term healthcare settings for older peopleVaismoradi, Mojtaba; Mardani, Abbas; Lillo-Crespo, Manuel, et al
Open accessRiera-Martin_etal_2024_PeerJ.pdf.jpg8-Oct-2024Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Being a Mother scaleRiera-Martín, Anna; Oliver-Roig, Antonio; Cormenzana-Redondo, Susana, et al
Open accessPayas-Puigarnau_etal_2024_Grief.pdf.jpg2-Oct-2024Grief Response ScalePayás-Puigarnau, Alba; Fernández-Alcántara, Manuel; Coelho, Alexandra, et al
Open accessPerpina-Galvan_etal_2024_BMCMedEduc.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2024Development and validation of assessment instruments for cervical collar and spinal board placement in simulated environments for nursing students in the care of polytrauma patientsPerpiñá-Galvañ, Juana; Montoro-Pérez, Néstor; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel, et al
Open accessBotello-Hermosa_etal_2024_Healthcare.pdf.jpg13-Sep-2024Design and Validation of a Scale to Measure Perceptions and Misconceptions about Menstruation in Nursing College Students: The METCON© ScaleBotello-Hermosa, Alicia; Escribano, Silvia; Guerra-Martín, María Dolores, et al
Open accessSoler-Climent_etal_2024_MetabolismOpen.pdf.jpg30-Aug-2024Identification of phase angle and Triglyceride-Glucose index as biomarkers for prediction and management of diabetic foot diseaseSoler Climent, Esther; Lledó Rico, Loreto; García Poblet, Marta, et al
Open accessGarcia-Poblet_etal_2024_IntJKinanthrop.pdf.jpg6-Aug-2024Generación de recursos audiovisuales para la realización de medidas antropométricas en adultos mayoresGarcía Poblet, Marta; Marín Álvarez, Clara; Sospedra, Isabel, et al
Open accessLozano-Casanova_etal_2024_Appetite.pdf.jpg15-Aug-2024Psychometric properties of the toddler feeding style questionnaire in fathers and its gender invarianceLozano-Casanova, Mar; Escribano, Silvia; Oliver-Roig, Antonio, et al
Open accessMujirishvili_etal_2024_DigitalHealth.pdf.jpg28-Aug-2024Navigating the crossroads of aging, caregiving and technology: Insights from a southern Spain about video-based technology in the care contextMujirishvili, Tamara; Cabrero-García, Julio; Flórez-Revuelta, Francisco, et al
Open accessEscribano_etal_2024_BMCPregnancyChildbirth.pdf.jpg18-Jul-2024Psychometric properties of the maternal breastfeeding evaluation scale: a confirmatory factor analysisEscribano, Silvia; Herrero-Oliver, Raquel; Oliver-Roig, Antonio, et al
Open accessLarrosa_etal_2024_NutritRev.pdf.jpg12-Jul-2024Nutritional Strategies for Optimizing Health, Sports Performance, and Recovery for Female Athletes and Other Physically Active Women: A Systematic ReviewLarrosa, Mar; Gil-Izquierdo, Ángel; González-Rodríguez, Liliana Guadalupe, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 310