INV - GPLSI - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 324
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessFerrandez_etal_2024_PeerJComputSci.pdf.jpg29-Feb-2024CuentosIE: can a chatbot about “tales with a message” help to teach emotional intelligence?Ferrández, Antonio; Lavigne Cerván, Rocio; Peral, Jesús, et al
Open accessMunoz-Garcia_etal_2023_Panacea.pdf.jpg2023Hacia una visión de la menopausia desde la perspectiva de género: análisis de sentimientos y redefinición de la terminología asociadaMuñoz-García, Victoria; Lloret, Elena; Santamaría-Pérez, Isabel
EmbargoedConsuegra-Ayala_etal_2024_InfoSci_accepted.pdf.jpg5-Feb-2024Automatic annotation of protected attributes to support fairness optimizationConsuegra-Ayala, Juan Pablo; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Almeida-Cruz, Yudivian, et al
Open accessBerenguer_etal_2024_IEEESoftware.pdf.jpg1-Feb-2024From Research on Data-Intensive Software to Innovation in Data Spaces: A Search Service for Tabular DataBerenguer, Alberto; Alcaraz, Olimpia; Tomás, David, et al
Open accessBotella-Gil_etal_2024_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg1-Feb-2024Semi-Automatic Dataset Annotation Applied to Automatic Violent Message DetectionBotella-Gil, Beatriz; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Bonet-Jover, Alba, et al
Open accessGutierrez_etal_2024_EngApplArtificIntellig_final.pdf.jpg19-Jan-2024KD SENSO-MERGER: An architecture for semantic integration of heterogeneous dataGutiérrez, Yoan; Abreu Salas, José Ignacio; Montoyo, Andres, et al
Restricted accessMartin_etal_2024_EducCitizenshipSocJustice_final.pdf.jpg17-Jan-2024The risky news sharing quotient (RNSQ): A research instrument for exploring news-sharing behaviour that spreads fake newsMartin, Tania Josephine; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert, et al
Open accessLloret_etal_2023_OpenResearchEurope.pdf.jpg12-Oct-2023Multi3Generation: Multitask, Multilingual, and Multimodal Language GenerationLloret, Elena; Barreiro, Anabela; Bhatt, Mehul, et al
Open accessBerenguer_etal_2024_Sensors.pdf.jpg6-Jan-2024Using Large Language Models to Enhance the Reusability of Sensor DataBerenguer, Alberto; Morejón, Adriana; Tomás, David, et al
Open accessFrances_etal_2023_ApplSci.pdf.jpg22-Nov-2023Multidimensional Data Analysis for Enhancing In-Depth Knowledge on the Characteristics of Science and Technology ParksFrancés, Olga; Abreu Salas, José Ignacio; Fernández Martínez, Javier, et al
Open accessBerenguer_etal_2024_MachLearn.pdf.jpg29-Nov-2023Word embeddings for retrieving tabular data from research publicationsBerenguer, Alberto; Mazón, Jose-Norberto; Tomás, David
Open accessBonet-Jover_etal_2023_EngApplArtifIntellig.pdf.jpg20-Sep-2023Applying Human-in-the-Loop to construct a dataset for determining content reliability to combat fake newsBonet-Jover, Alba; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
Open accessPLN_71_20.pdf.jpgSep-2023Deep Learning Methods for Extracting Metaphorical Names of Flowers and PlantsHaddad, Amal Haddad; Premasiri, Damith; Ranasinghe, Tharindu, et al
Open accessLlaurado_etal_2023_SciRep.pdf.jpg7-Sep-2023Study of image sensors for enhanced face recognition at a distance in the Smart City contextLlauradó, José M.; Pujol, Francisco A.; Tomás, David, et al
Open accessBonet-Jover_etal_2024_LangResourcesEvaluation.pdf.jpg6-Aug-2023RUN-AS: a novel approach to annotate news reliability for disinformation detectionBonet-Jover, Alba; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
Open accessSepulveda-Torres_etal_2023_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg14-Jul-2023Detecting Misleading Headlines Through the Automatic Recognition of Contradiction in SpanishSepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Bonet-Jover, Alba; Saquete Boró, Estela
Open accessBonet-Jover_etal_2023_Knowledge-BasedSyst.pdf.jpg16-Jun-2023A semi-automatic annotation methodology that combines Summarization and Human-In-The-Loop to create disinformation detection resourcesBonet-Jover, Alba; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
Open accessOrtiz-Perez_etal_2023_Neurocomputing.pdf.jpg5-Jun-2023A Deep Learning-Based Multimodal Architecture to predict Signs of DementiaOrtiz Pérez, David; Ruiz Ponce, Pablo; Tomás, David, et al
Open accessPLN_70_17.pdf.jpgMar-2023Generación y pesado de skipgrams y su aplicación al análisis de sentimientosFernández Martínez, Javier; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Martínez-Barco, Patricio
Open accessPLN_70_15.pdf.jpgMar-2023Violencia Identificada en el Lenguaje (VIL). Creación de recurso para mensajes violentosBotella, Beatriz; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Martínez-Barco, Patricio, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 324