Browsing "Research" by Author Lloret, Elena

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Open accessSepulveda-Torres_etal_2025_IEEE-TBD.pdf.jpg30-Jan-2025To Write or Not to Write as a Machine? That’s the QuestionSepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Martínez-Murillo, Iván; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
EmbargoedConsuegra-Ayala_etal_2024_Knowl-BasedSyst_accepted.pdf.jpg22-Aug-2024A multifaceted approach to detect gender biases in Natural Language GenerationConsuegra-Ayala, Juan Pablo; Martínez-Murillo, Iván; Lloret, Elena, et al
Open accesscortex_report_roadmap_rua.pdf.jpg12-Jul-2024Beyond Generative Artificial Intelligence: Roadmap for Natural Language GenerationMiró Maestre, María; Martínez-Murillo, Iván; Martin, Tania Josephine, et al
Open accessMartinez-Murillo_etal_2024_PLN.pdf.jpgMar-2024Analysing the Problem of Automatic Evaluation of Language Generation SystemsMartínez-Murillo, Iván; Moreda, Paloma; Lloret, Elena
Open accessLloret_etal_SEPLN-PD2023.pdf.jpg23-Oct-2023Conscious Natural Text GenerationLloret, Elena; Suárez Cueto, Armando; Ferrández, Antonio, et al
Open accessMoreda_etal_SEPLN-PD2023.pdf.jpg23-Oct-2023CLEAR.TEXT Enhancing the Modernization Public Sector Organizations by Deploying Natural Language Processing to Make Their Digital Content CLEARER to Those with Cognitive DisabilitiesMoreda, Paloma; Botella, Beatriz; Espinosa-Zaragoza, Isabel, et al
Open accessLloret_etal_2023_OpenResearchEurope.pdf.jpg12-Oct-2023Multi3Generation: Multitask, Multilingual, and Multimodal Language GenerationLloret, Elena; Barreiro, Anabela; Bhatt, Mehul, et al
Open accessMartinez-Murillo_etal_IberLEF2023.pdf.jpg26-Sep-2023Team GPLSI at AuTexTification Shared Task: Determining the Authorship of a TextMartínez-Murillo, Iván; Sepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
Open accessEspinosa-Zaragoza_etal_RANLP-2023.pdf.jpgSep-2023A Review of Research-Based Automatic Text Simplification ToolsEspinosa-Zaragoza, Isabel; Abreu Salas, José Ignacio; Lloret, Elena, et al
Open accessSepulveda-Torres_etal_2023_DataKnowlEng.pdf.jpg15-Mar-2023Leveraging relevant summarized information and multi-layer classification to generalize the detection of misleading headlinesSepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Vicente, Marta; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
Open accessMunoz-Garcia_etal_2023_Panacea.pdf.jpg2023Hacia una visión de la menopausia desde la perspectiva de género: análisis de sentimientos y redefinición de la terminología asociadaMuñoz-García, Victoria; Lloret, Elena; Santamaría-Pérez, Isabel
Open accessMiro-Maestre_etal_2023_Information.pdf.jpg31-Dec-2022Extracting Narrative Patterns in Different Textual Genres: A Multilevel Feature Discourse AnalysisMiró Maestre, María; Vicente, Marta; Lloret, Elena, et al
Open accessGonzalez-Mora_etal_2022_ComputStandInterfaces.pdf.jpg14-May-2022Improving Open Data Web API Documentation through Interactivity and Natural Language GenerationGonzález Mora, César; Barros, Cristina; Garrigós, Irene, et al
Open accessErdem_etal_2022_JAIR.pdf.jpg6-Apr-2022Neural Natural Language Generation: A Survey on Multilinguality, Multimodality, Controllability and LearningErdem, Erkut; Kuyu, Menekse; Yagcioglu, Semih, et al
Open accessSepulveda-Torres_etal_2021_JWebSemantics.pdf.jpg27-Sep-2021HeadlineStanceChecker: Exploiting summarization to detect headline disinformationSepúlveda-Torres, Robiert; Vicente, Marta; Saquete Boró, Estela, et al
Open accessRI01-INTEGER-report-interno.pdf.jpg2-Sep-2021Generación del Lenguaje Natural: retos y desafíos científicosLloret, Elena; Suárez Cueto, Armando; Ferrández, Antonio, et al
Open accessBarros_etal_2021_CompSpeechLang_accepted.pdf.jpgMay-2021To what extent does content selection affect surface realization in the context of headline generation?Barros, Cristina; Vicente, Marta; Lloret, Elena
Open accessVicente_etal_2021_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2021Leveraging Machine Learning to Explain the Nature of Written GenresVicente, Marta; Miró Maestre, María; Lloret, Elena, et al
Open access2-Sep-2020HanaNLG: Sistema de generación de lenguaje híbrido y flexibleBarros, Cristina; Lloret, Elena
Open accessPLN_65_09.pdf.jpgSep-2020Relevant Content Selection through Positional Language Models: An Exploratory AnalysisVicente, Marta; Lloret, Elena