Research funded by the EU


En esta colección se recogen las publicaciones resultantes de las investigaciones financiadas con los fondos del 7º Programa Marco, el Programa Horizonte 2020 y el Programa Horizonte Europa de la Unión Europea, que son recolectadas por OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, Infraestructura de libre acceso a la investigación en Europa), red de depósitos abiertos que dará acceso en línea gratuitamente al conocimiento generado por los científicos que hayan recibido subvenciones de estos programas.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 943
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessGuarcello_etal_2025_A&A.pdf.jpg14-Jan-2025EWOCS-III: JWST observations of the supermassive star cluster Westerlund 1Guarcello, Mario Giuseppe; Almendros-Abad, Víctor; Lovell, J.B., et al
EmbargoedPastor_etal_2025_TransportGeotech_final.pdf.jpg24-Dec-2024Embankment construction with limestone powder waste: From laboratory to full-scale implementationPastor Navarro, José Luis; Gutierrez, Erick; Cano, Miguel, et al
Restricted accessCastells-Nobau_etal_NatMetab_final.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2024Microviridae bacteriophages influence behavioural hallmarks of food addiction via tryptophan and tyrosine signalling pathwaysCastells-Nobau, Anna; Puig, Irene; Motger-Albertí, Anna, et al
Open accesstjom_a_1869111_sm1114.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2021Miocene to present-day tectonic control on the relief of the Duero and Ebro basins confluence (North Iberia)Ramos, Adrià; Mediato, José F.; Pérez López, Raúl, et al
Open accessSomoza_etal_2021_FrontEarthSci.pdf.jpg30-Jun-2021Submarine Active Faults and Morpho-Tectonics Around the Iberian Margins: Seismic and Tsunamis HazardsSomoza, Luis; Medialdea, Teresa; Terrinha, Pedro, et al
Open accessMadail_etal_2024_PhysRevResearch.pdf.jpg12-Dec-2024Exotic edge states of C3 high-fold fermions in honeycomb latticesMadail, Luisa; Dias, Ricardo G.; Fernández-Rossier, Joaquín
Open accessTamayo-Fonseca_etal_2024_Nutrients.pdf.jpg24-Nov-2024Delphi Study on the Contextualization of Recommendations for Promoting Healthy Eating in Urban Settings of Latin America and the CaribbeanTamayo Fonseca, Nayara; Chilet Rosell, Elisa; Puig-García, Marta, et al
Open accessSuvorov_etal_2024_Universe.pdf.jpg29-Nov-2024Premerger Phenomena in Neutron Star Binary CoalescencesSuvorov, Arthur G.; Kuan, Hao-Jui; Kokkotas, Kostas D.
Restricted accessMartinez‐Sanchez_etal_2024_MedVetEntomol_final.pdf.jpg5-Dec-2024Morphology, biology and molecular characterisation of the endemic Canary Islands blowfly Calliphora splendens Macquart, 1838 (Diptera: Calliphoridae)Martínez-Sánchez, Anabel; Szpila, Krzysztof; Villet, Martin H., et al
Open accessWang_etal_2024_JAmChemSoc_final.pdf.jpg4-Dec-2024Enhancing Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation Using Ferromagnetic Materials and Magnetic FieldsWang, Qingjie; Oldham, Louise I.; Giner Requena, Alfredo, et al
Open accessMarset_etal_2024_ACSElectrochem_preprint.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2024Beyond Conventional Organic Electrosynthesis: The Role of Fluorinated SolventsMarset, Xavier; Montilla-Verdú, Salvador; Rico Vargas, Elio, et al
Open accessGulati_etal_2024_RSocOpenSci.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2024What is beautiful is still good: the attractiveness halo effect in the era of beauty filtersGulati, Aditya; Martínez-Garcia, Marina; Fernández, Daniel, et al
Open accessToledo_etal_2025_EnvironDevelop.pdf.jpg21-Nov-2024Local authorities or national frameworks? A global review on coastal protection policiesToledo, Ignacio; Laino, Emilio; Iglesias, Gregorio, et al
Open accessOrlandi_etal_2024_ApplComputGeosci.pdf.jpg16-Nov-2024A machine learning approach for mapping susceptibility to land subsidence caused by ground water extractionOrlandi, Diana; Díaz Castañeda, Esteban; Tomás, Roberto, et al
Open accessSantamaria-Navarro_etal_2024_IEEE-RAM.pdf.jpg13-Nov-2024Toward the Deployment of an Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery Robot in Urban Areas: The Ona Prototype PlatformSantamaria-Navarro, Angel; Hernández, Sergi; Herrero, Fernando, et al
EmbargoedLinares_etal_2024_ACSMaterialsLett_final.pdf.jpg19-Nov-2024Combining Electron Microscopy and Elemental Mapping for the Investigation of Zeolite CrystallizationLinares, Noemi; Chawla, Aseem; Li, Rui, et al
Open accessZhao_etal_2024_ChemCommun.pdf.jpg13-Nov-2024Acid-induced fluorescence enhancement of piperazinylphenyl-substituted nanographeneZhao, Hao; Muñoz-Mármol, Rafael; Moshniaha, Liliia, et al
Open accessSaez-Perez_etal_2024_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg4-Nov-2024Optimizing AI Transformer Models for CO2 Emission Prediction in Self-Driving Vehicles with Mobile/Multi-Access Edge Computing SupportSaez-Perez, Javier; Benlloch-Caballero, Pablo; Tena-Gago, David, et al
Open accessVincent_etal_2024_PlanetSciJ.pdf.jpg24-Oct-2024Macroscale Roughness Reveals the Complex History of Asteroids Didymos and DimorphosVincent, Jean-Baptiste; Asphaug, Erik; Barnouin, Olivier, et al
Open accessMartin-Cuadrado_etal_2024_Microbiome.pdf.jpg29-Oct-2024The coral Oculina patagonica holobiont and its response to confinement, temperature, and Vibrio infectionsMartín Cuadrado, Ana Belén; Rubio-Portillo, Esther; Rosselló, Francesc, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 943