Browsing by Author Trujillo, Juan

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AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Restricted access28-Aug-20232D Very Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Carotid Artery Calcification Detection on 3D Patient's CT-ScanReina Reina, Alejandro; Maté, Alejandro; Trujillo, Juan
Open access2014_Mate_etal_JSS_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2014Adding semantic modules to improve goal-oriented analysis of data warehouses using I-starMaté, Alejandro; Trujillo, Juan; Franch, Xavier
Open access2020_Escobar_etal_CompStandInterfaces_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2020Adding value to Linked Open Data using a multidimensional model approach based on the RDF Data Cube vocabularyEscobar Esteban, María Pilar; Candela, Gustavo; Trujillo, Juan, et al
Open accesspaper11.pdf.jpg2005The advisability of using packages in data warehouse designSerrano Martín, Manuel; Romero Jaén, Rafael; Trujillo, Juan, et al
Open accessArt_7.pdf.jpg2010El alineamiento de objetivos de la organización como propuesta para el análisis de requisitos en almacenes de datosCravero Leal, Ania; Sepúlveda, Samuel; Trujillo, Juan, et al
Open accessBarrera_etal_2021_CEUR.pdf.jpgOct-2021Applying i* in Conceptual Modelling in Machine LearningBarrera, Jose Manuel; Reina Reina, Alejandro; Maté, Alejandro, et al
Open accessJRPIT41.2.135.pdf.jpgMay-2009Applying QVT in order to implement secure data warehouses in SQL server analysis servicesBlanco Bueno, Carlos; García Rodríguez de Guzmán, Ignacio; García Rosado, David, et al
Open accessistar08.pdf.jpg2008Applying the i* framework to the development of data warehousesMazón, Jose-Norberto; Pardillo Vela, Jesús; Soler, Emilio, et al
Open accessLujan-Mora_Trujillo_2006_JComputerInformSyst_preprint.pdf.jpgJan-2006Applying the UML and the Unified Process to the Design of Data WarehousesLuján-Mora, Sergio; Trujillo, Juan
Open accessTrujillo_etal_2004_JDatabaseManag_final.pdf.jpgJan-2004Applying UML and XML for designing and interchanging information for data warehouses and OLAP applicationsTrujillo, Juan; Luján-Mora, Sergio; Song, Il-Yeol
Open access2020_Lavalle_etal_DOLAP.pdf.jpg2020An Approach to Automatically Detect and Visualize Bias in Data AnalyticsLavalle, Ana; Maté, Alejandro; Trujillo, Juan
Open accessapproach-publish-statisctics-open-access-journals-linked-data.pdf.jpg2015An Approach to Publish Statistics from Open-Access Journals Using Linked Data TechnologiesHallo, María; Luján-Mora, Sergio; Trujillo, Juan
Open access2014_Blanco_etal_Inf&SoftTech.pdf.jpgMar-2015An architecture for automatically developing secure OLAP applications from modelsBlanco Bueno, Carlos; García Rodríguez de Guzmán, Ignacio; Fernández-Medina Patón, Eduardo, et al
Restricted accessAttentionRobots_escritorio.pdf.jpg8-Sep-2023Attention Robots – Versión EscritorioTeruel, Miguel A.; Trujillo, Juan; Maté, Alejandro, et al
Restricted accessAttentionRobots_AR.pdf.jpg8-Sep-2023Attention Robots – Versión Realidad AumentadaTeruel, Miguel A.; Trujillo, Juan; Maté, Alejandro, et al
Restricted accessAttentionRobots_VR.pdf.jpg8-Sep-2023Attention Robots – Versión Realidad VirtualTeruel, Miguel A.; Trujillo, Juan; Maté, Alejandro, et al
Restricted accessAttentionSlackline.pdf.jpg8-Sep-2023Attention SlacklineTeruel, Miguel A.; Trujillo, Juan; Maté, Alejandro, et al
Open access2015_Ferrandez_etal_EcolInf_final.pdf.jpgNov-2015An authoring tool for decision support systems in context questions of ecological knowledgeFerrández, Antonio; Peral, Jesús; Gregorio Medrano, Elisa de, et al
Open accessTrujillo_Lujan-Mora_2002_IntJComputerInformSci_preprint.pdf.jpgDec-2002Automatically Generating Structural and Dynamic Information of OLAP Applications from Object-Oriented Conceptual ModelsTrujillo, Juan; Luján-Mora, Sergio
Open accessJENUI_2004_031.pdf.jpg2004BdeIS: Integración e investigación en el aprendizaje de las Bases de Datos y la Ingeniería del SoftwarePalomar, Manuel; Moreda, Paloma; Montoyo, Andres, et al