Browsing by Author Hermida Carbonell, Jesús María

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Restricted access2013_Hermida_etal_ISF_final.pdf.jpgJul-2013Applying model-driven engineering to the development of Rich Internet Applications for Business IntelligenceHermida Carbonell, Jesús María; Meliá, Santiago; Montoyo, Andres, et al
Open access2016_Melia_etal_SoftwareQualJ_preprint.pdf.jpgSep-2016Comparison of a textual versus a graphical notation for the maintainability of MDE domain models: an empirical pilot studyMeliá, Santiago; Cachero, Cristina; Hermida Carbonell, Jesús María, et al
Restricted access2013_Balahur_etal_D&KE_final.pdf.jpgNov-2013Detecting implicit expressions of affect in text using EmotiNet and its extensionsBalahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Hermida Carbonell, Jesús María; Montoyo, Andres, et al
Open access2012_Hermida_etal_LNCS.pdf.jpg2012Developing Semantic Rich Internet Applications with the Sm4RIA Extension for OIDEHermida Carbonell, Jesús María; Meliá, Santiago; Martínez, José Javier, et al
Open access2018_Cachero_etal_InfSoftTech_final.pdf.jpg11-Dec-2018Impact of model notations on the productivity of domain modelling: an empirical studyCachero, Cristina; Meliá, Santiago; Hermida Carbonell, Jesús María
Open access01-1 PRESENTACIÓN_13-14 - Valencia.pdf.jpg29-Apr-2014Materials docents de Fonaments d'Informàtica en Enginyeria de l'EdificacióVerdú Mas, José Luis; Valdés Muñoz, María Ángeles; Tomás, David, et al
Open accesstesis_jesusmaria_hermida_carbonell.pdf.jpg2013Model-driven development of Rich Internet Applications on the Semantic WebHermida Carbonell, Jesús María
Open accessspdece2012_31.pdf.jpgJun-2012Towards a new proposal to evaluate the learning objects quality in learning strategies for education (QEES)González Ruiz, Lilibeth M.; Hermida Carbonell, Jesús María; Montoyo, Andres
Open access2016_Hermida_etal_JWebEng.pdf.jpg2016XANUI: A Textual Platform-Independent Model for Rich User InterfacesHermida Carbonell, Jesús María; Meliá, Santiago; Arias, Antonio