Access | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 |  | 19-Sep-2020 | Assessment of Rainwater Harvesting Potential from Roof Catchments through Clustering Analysis | Villar Navascués, Rubén Alejandro; Pérez Morales, Alfredo; Gil-Guirado, Salvador |
 |  | 30-Mar-2021 | The blessing of the “year without summer”: Climatic and socioeconomic impact of the Krakatoa eruption (1883) in the south‐east of the Iberian Peninsula | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Olcina, Jorge; Pérez Morales, Alfredo |
 |  | Nov-2019 | Climatic and social factors behind the Spanish Mediterranean flood event chronologies from documentary sources (14th–20th centuries) | Barriendos, Mariano; Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Pino, David, et al |
 |  | 3-May-2022 | Construyendo territorios de riesgo: evolución de la exposición al riesgo de inundación en el litoral de la Región de Murcia | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Pérez Morales, Alfredo; Olcina, Jorge |
 |  | 15-Jun-2020 | Could MOOC-Takers’ Behavior Discuss the Meaning of Success-Dropout Rate? Players, Auditors, and Spectators in a Geographical Analysis Course about Natural Risks | Ricart, Sandra; Villar Navascués, Rubén Alejandro; Gil-Guirado, Salvador, et al |
 |  | 2017 | Deconstruyendo riesgos. Cuatro siglos de cambios en la vulnerabilidad y adaptación a las inundaciones y sequías en Murcia | Gil-Guirado, Salvador |
 |  | 26-Nov-2024 | Droughts of the early 19th century (1790–1830) in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula: integration of historical and instrumental data for high-resolution reconstructions of extreme events | Barriendos, Josep; Hernández-Hernández, María; Gil-Guirado, Salvador, et al |
 |  | 2023 | Gestión integral del riesgo de inundación en pequeñas cuencas mediterráneas: instrumentos de monitorización y protocolos en el ámbito municipal | Ruiz-Perez, Maurici; Moragues, Alexandre; Olcina, Jorge, et al |
 |  | 25-Nov-2021 | Grandes inundaciones en la ciudad de Murcia a través de la documentación histórica: medidas de defensa y contexto socioeconómico | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Olcina, Jorge; Pérez Morales, Alfredo |
 |  | Jan-2018 | Housing bubbles and the increase of flood exposure. Failures in flood risk management on the Spanish south-eastern coast (1975–2013) | Pérez Morales, Alfredo; Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Olcina, Jorge |
 |  | 15-Apr-2020 | How to Close the Gap of Desalinated Seawater for Agricultural Irrigation? Confronting Attitudes between Managers and Farmers in Alicante and Murcia (Spain) | Ricart, Sandra; Villar Navascués, Rubén Alejandro; Gil-Guirado, Salvador, et al |
 |  | Sep-2016 | La información catastral como herramienta para el análisis de la exposición al peligro de inundaciones en el litoral mediterráneo español | Pérez Morales, Alfredo; Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Olcina, Jorge |
 |  | Jul-2019 | Labor income inequality in pre-industrial Mediterranean Spain: The city of Murcia in the 18th century | Espín-Sánchez, José-Antonio; Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Giraldo-Paez, W. Daniel, et al |
 |  | 2021 | The risk is in the detail: historical cartography and a hermeneutic analysis of historical floods in the city of Murcia | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Olcina, Jorge; Pérez Morales, Alfredo, et al |
 |  | 5-Sep-2019 | SMC-Flood database: a high-resolution press database on flood cases for the Spanish Mediterranean coast (1960–2015) | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Pérez Morales, Alfredo; López Martínez, Francisco |
 |  | 2019 | Variabilidad climática y patrones termopluviométricos en Murcia (1863-2017). Técnicas de análisis climático en un contexto de cambio global | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Pérez Morales, Alfredo |
 |  | 10-Jul-2019 | The weather behind words – new methodologies for integrated hydrometeorological reconstruction through documentary sources | Gil-Guirado, Salvador; Gómez-Navarro, Juan José; Montávez, Juan Pedro |
 |  | 27-Aug-2020 | Why (Not) Desalination? Exploring Driving Factors from Irrigation Communities’ Perception in South-East Spain | Villar Navascués, Rubén Alejandro; Ricart, Sandra; Gil-Guirado, Salvador, et al |