Browsing by Author Bo, Rosa M.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Access | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 |  | 27-Jan-2024 | Explanatory model of cyberbullying, cybervictimization, aggressiveness, social anxiety, and adaptation to university: a structural equation analysis | Aparisi, David; Delgado, Beatriz; Bo, Rosa M. |
 |  | 24-Mar-2023 | Latent profiles of cyberbullying among university students and its relationship with social anxiety and aggressiveness | Aparisi, David; Delgado, Beatriz; Bo, Rosa M. |
 |  | 11-Oct-2021 | Relationship between Cyberbullying, Motivation and Learning Strategies, Academic Performance, and the Ability to Adapt to University | Aparisi, David; Delgado, Beatriz; Bo, Rosa M., et al |
 |  | 2018 | Significado y sentido de la mediación escolar desde la perspectiva del alumnado mediador de secundaria | García-Raga, Laura; Bo, Rosa M.; Mondragón-Lasagabaster, Jasone |