Accés | Vista prèvia | Data publicació | Títol | Autor/s |
 |  | d’abril-2008 | Applying a culture dependent emotion triggers database for text valence and emotion classification | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Montoyo, Andres |
 |  | 2009 | A comparative study of open domain and opinion question answering systems for factual and opinionated queries | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andres, et al |
 |  | de gener-2014 | Computational approaches to subjectivity and sentiment analysis: Present and envisaged methods and applications | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Mihalcea, Rada; Montoyo, Andres |
 |  | de novembre-2013 | Detecting implicit expressions of affect in text using EmotiNet and its extensions | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Hermida Carbonell, Jesús María; Montoyo, Andres, et al |
 |  | de setembre-2008 | Determining the semantic orientation of opinions on products - a comparative analysis | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Montoyo, Andres |
 |  | d’octubre-2010 | EmotiBlog: a fine-grained annotation schema for labelling subjectivity in the new-textual genres born with the Web 2.0 | Boldrini, Ester; Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Martínez-Barco, Patricio, et al |
 |  | 2009 | EmotiBlog: a fine-grained model for emotion detection in non-traditional textual genres | Boldrini, Ester; Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Martínez-Barco, Patricio, et al |
 |  | 2010 | EmotiBlog: a finer-grained and more precise learning of subjectivity expression models | Boldrini, Ester; Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Martínez-Barco, Patricio, et al |
 |  | 2010 | Going beyond traditional QA systems: challenges and keys in opinion question answering | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andres, et al |
 |  | d’octubre-2010 | IBEREVAL OM: Mining Opinions from the new textual genres | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andres, et al |
 |  | 29-d’abril-2014 | Materials docents de Fonaments d'Informàtica en Enginyeria de l'Edificació | Verdú Mas, José Luis; Valdés Muñoz, María Ángeles; Tomás, David, et al |
 |  | 2011 | Methods and resources for sentiment analysis in multilingual documents of different text types | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra |
 |  | de juny-2010 | The OpAL System at NTCIR 8 MOAT | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andres, et al |
 |  | d’agost-2009 | Opinion and generic question answering systems: a performance analysis | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andres, et al |
 |  | de març-2009 | A semantic relatedness approach to classifying opinion from Web reviews | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Montoyo, Andres |
 |  | 2009 | Summarizing threads in blogs using opinion polarity | Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Lloret, Elena; Boldrini, Ester, et al |
 |  | 31-de maig-2012 | Towards a unified framework for opinion retrieval, mining and summarization | Lloret, Elena; Balahur Dobrescu, Alexandra; Gómez, José M., et al |