Browsing by Author Porthé, Victoria
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Access | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 |  | 2009 | Condiciones de trabajo y salud en inmigrantes (Proyecto ITSAL): entrevistas a informantes clave | García García, Ana María; López Jacob, María José; Agudelo Suárez, Andrés A., et al |
 |  | 28-Mar-2009 | Discrimination, work and health in immigrant populations in Spain | Agudelo Suárez, Andrés A.; Gil-González, Diana; Ronda-Pérez, Elena, et al |
 |  | 3-Jun-2017 | Has the quality of health care for the immigrant population changed during the economic crisis in Catalonia (Spain)? Opinions of health professionals and immigrant users | Porthé, Victoria; Vargas, Ingrid; Ronda-Pérez, Elena, et al |
 |  | 17-Apr-2010 | Immigration, work and health in Spain: the influence of legal status and employment contract on reported health indicators | Sousa, Emily; Agudelo Suárez, Andrés A.; García Benavides, Marc, et al |
 |  | 28-May-2009 | Invisible work, unseen hazards: the health of women immigrant household service workers in Spain | Ahonen, Emily Q.; López Jacob, María José; Vázquez Navarrete, María Luisa, et al |
 |  | 31-Oct-2009 | Proceso migratorio, condiciones laborales y salud en trabajadores inmigrantes en España (proyecto ITSAL) | Agudelo Suárez, Andrés A.; Ronda-Pérez, Elena; Gil-González, Diana, et al |